Just a few types of Customized Services that Madison-Burns &
Associates, LLC offers are:
Needs Analysis Consulting - providing an
objective, third-party analysis of company needs
Assessment - individual and organizational
Program Development - we can work with your organization to customize
existing programs, or to develop a new program that addresses your
unique needs.
Case Study and Role Play Development - Our expertise in writing and
development can customize existing or create new tailored exercises
to reflect your company's workplace.
Customized Delivery - we can work with your scheduling needs to
offer smaller classes, condensed agendas or online and telephone
follow up.
Just in Time Training - specially designed workshops can be delivered
for your upcoming tradeshow or client pitch. We can meet the needs
of your team by training to meet a specific goal that meets your
New! Ask us about our new online, ongoing coaching! |

Madison-Burns is an authorized reseller of SOCIAL STYLES

Successful leadership depends on the ability to understand your own personal communication style and that of others. Leaders who know how to navigate their way through the various ways people prefer to take in, process, and deliver information will be able to communicate more effectively and get the best performance from all styles. They will never confuse personal style with ability.
There are many assessment tools that effectively allow course participants to gain insight into their own styles including:
- DiSC® - Personal and professional success requires understanding people’s model of the world. Research indicates the insight achieved through the understanding of one’s personal behavior on themselves and others. The DiSC® four-quadrant behavioral personality profile test provides an understanding of people through awareness of temperament and behavioral styles.
- TRACOM Social Styles - The Self-Perception instrument from the TRACOM Group™ includes two questionnaires:
- The Social Style Self-Perception Questionnaire assesses how you view your own behaviors in the context of various situations.
- The Versatility Self-Perception Questionnaire assesses how well you feel you work with others and how your behaviors affect others.
THE PLATINUM RULE - style assessment. An effective on-line tool allowing for a self and/or a 360 point of view
Elliott Solloway, a Yale professor and researcher, coined the term emotional intelligence to show that there were additional abilities - beyond skills, knowledge, and intellect - that linked to success.
Self-awareness: the ability to understand the link between one’s own emotions, thought,
and action.
Self-regulation: the ability to control emotions or to shift undesirable emotional states to
more appropriate ones.
Motivation: to be able to tap into emotional states that promote a drive to achieve
and be successful.
Empathy: the knack to read, be sensitive to, and influence other people’s emotions.
Social skills: to initiate and sustain satisfactory interpersonal relationships.
According to Daniel Goleman… in a business context: “The most effective leaders switch flexibly among the leadership styles as needed….Such leaders don’t mechanically match their style to fit a checklist of situations; they are far more fluid. They are exquisitely sensitive to the impact they are having on others and seamlessly adjust their style to get the best results.”
—Daniel Goleman
Today’s organization draws on the talents of people from across the globe. Whether it’s in virtual teams that may only interact online or on-site colleagues who interact on a daily basis, cultural norms can get in the way of effective interactions. Practices that are second nature to one person may be unfamiliar or (worse yet) offensive to another. Understanding the differences and raising people’s sensitivity to their own and others cultural norms and biases goes a long way to creating a tolerant and productive work environment.
Assessments that we have used successfully to enhance cultural intelligence includes the following:
- FIRO-B ® - Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior™ assessment has helped people around the world understand how their need for inclusion, control and affection can shape their interactions with others at work or in their personal life.
- Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) - This instrument helps people discover which of five conflict-handling styles is their preferred “mode”. Through this self-awareness, participants assess the impact of their preferred style on resolving conflicts and not having them escalate to the point of damaging relationships.
The workforce today contains four quite different generations - each with different life experiences and life expectations. What motivates each? How does a manager keep the different generations working together as a cohesive team? What challenges does the manager face based on his or her own generational style and motivations? Leadership skills require an understanding of what’s different and what’s the same - and knowing how to leverage those differences and similarities to achieve top performance.
Useful assessments to help leaders understand their impact on multi-generational teams include:
- Leadership/Impact ® (L/I) - Leadership/Impact is a 360° assessment that provides leaders with targeted feedback on their impact on the behavior and performance of others. This informative “window” reveals not only the strength of the leader’s impact, but also its implications for his/her effectiveness and that of the organization as a whole.
All the insight, knowledge and skills come together in the critical skill of gaining respect as a leader of virtual teams. Even though team members may rarely meet face to face, each individual needs to know that they are a valued contributor. How team members interact and perform is a direct function of how effectively the leader manages the team and meets the individual needs of each member to create a cohesive whole.
Effective instruments for leadership include:
- MBTI ® - The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ® assessment is the best known and most trusted personality tool available today. It is extremely useful for understanding individual differences and uncovering new ways to work and interact with others.
- Parker Team Player - The Parker Team Player Program helps people achieve extraordinary results through teams.
When communication fails or simply isn’t all it could be, the fallout may not be immediately obvious. Problems begin small and cause minor, seemingly unrelated instances of discord, inertia, and inefficiency. Left unaddressed however, communication problems mushroom into major issues. Customers complain and then switch to the competition. Sales stagnate or drop off. Ultimately, ineffective communication takes its toll on productivity, on profitability, on shareholder value.
Fundamental communication skills are a “must have” for to-day’s leaders. They have become the price of admission for effective management and leadership.
Communication skills are core competencies for all Q5 Leadership Intelligences. We address communication issues across key business processes, from operations and finance to technology and management. Freed of counterproductive communication habits, your work force will be able to focus its talent and energy on its main job: achieving your organization’s business goals.
Our customized solutions instill the practices that:
- Demonstrate integrity, professionalism, and continuous learning
- Foster trust, collaboration, and teamwork
- Improve customers’ satisfaction
- Motivate employees to action
- Resolve conflict
- Support creative thinking and innovation
- Facilitate change
- Promote efficiency, productivity, and profitability
Our Q5/EC suite of essential leadership training compresses years of on the job learning into a more direct route to success.